Alleluia, Christ Arose

Alleluia, Christ Arose

By Sr. Vivian Ameh

Acts 10:34.37-43, Col 3:1-4, Jn 20:1-9. Today we solemnly celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Today's readings remind us that it is not just a historical fact that Jesus rose from the dead, but it is a life-transforming event, not only for Jesus, but also for all who believe in Him. Celebrating the feast of Easter is the greatest and most joyful thing a creature can celebrate. It is the feast of faith, hope and charity. It is also the feast of life, the triumph of Jesus over death. In today's first reading, Peter proclaims the person of Jesus, not only as miracle worker and a great preacher, but as one who has died but is risen and has appeared to His followers. Not only has Jesus been seen by His disciples, but He has eaten with them – a sign that He is not just an illusion but a person with a body – glorified body, but still a body. After the proclamation, the people and the Sanhedrin proclaim loudly: "We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). In the second reading, Paul speaks of our hidden life in Christ because Jesus is risen and has appeared to His followers, they are commissioned to announce His message and continue His ministry.

Today, the Church sings Alleluia to the risen Christ for Christ has brought us new life. Today's Gospel relates the account of Mary Magdalen going to the tomb before the sun rose on Easter Sunday morning. Expecting to see the tomb still sealed, she plans to keep vigil at the tomb, but surprised to find the sealing rock removed and the tomb empty. The rolling away of the stone from the tomb reveal the great power of God to remove every stumbling block to human growth. The great miracle of our human condition is that we can collaborate in the resurrection, because to live a resurrected life is to make life grow in us, to free us from selfishness and revive the capacity to love, lifting up the dejected, cleaning the stained and encouraging the discouraged, we feel the presence of the Risen One, by the desire to overcome and grow and thus we can also be resurrected people. Let us go therefore and spread this goodness, spreading peace, love, joy among all men. Let this Easter joy bring to an end all conflicts, enmity, misunderstanding and setbacks. Let the light of Christ shine in our hearts again. To live resurrected and sow the resurrected Christ is to announce and work for the values of the Kingdom. To confess the resurrected Jesus is to believe that life conquers death, that the executioner does not triumph over the victim, that the last thing is not emptiness.   

May the power of the resurrection make us victorious in all our difficulties and liberate us from any force that holds us bound from rising! Amen!! Alleluia, Christ is Risen, happy Easter!!!

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