Monday of Easter Octave

Monday of Easter Octave

By Sr. Vivian Ameh

Acts 2:36-41, Jn 20:11-18. After experiencing the Risen Lord over the course of fifty days, Peter gives his first sermon which took place on Pentecost Sunday. In today's first reading, the faith of the people were confirmed and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Unlike his earlier actions, when he denied his Lord, Peter is willing to step out in faith and witness to Jesus and His message: “Let the whole house of Israel know beyond any doubt that God has made both Lord and Messiah this Jesus whom you have crucified.” Some of those who hear Peter’s proclamation ask what they are to do in response. Peter reminds his audience that it was the Jewish people whom God first called to faith and all who believe in Jesus must reform their lives and turn to the Lord Jesus who forgives sins. They are to have their relationship and their bond with God re-established and deepened through being baptised.

In the third day of Easter, today’s Gospel account of Mary Magdalen at the tomb. She wept at the thought of her Lord being dead and especially when the body is not where it had been laid. Though angels in dazzling robes are seated in the empty tomb, she was confused. As she wept, she was unable to comprehend that Jesus is truly risen but took Jesus to be a Gardener. It is only when the supposed Gardener calls her by name that she realises that He is Jesus. She professes her belief by saying, “Rabbouni,” a word which implies a personal relationship with her Teacher. It is a word of intimacy and could be translated as “My Own Dear Teacher.” Mary runs off to announce the message to the disciples: “I have seen the Lord.” The titles given by Mary manifest a deeper understanding of who Jesus is in the lives of the believers, in the lives of those who have experienced the Risen One. Peter can speak from the events in his own life that Jesus is the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Christ. He is the One for whom the Jewish people have been waiting. Jesus has fulfilled all the promises of old and is truly the great Prophet who speaks for God because He is one with God; He is God. We will find the Lord if we search for Him, for He is never far away. He is the Good Shepherd who calls by name. He came to seek and to save the lost and we need to let ourselves be met by Him, just as Magdalene did. She has something to teach us about seeking the Lord even in our grief.

May the Lord who promised to be with His disciples to the end of time, stay with us throughout this day and remain with us for ever! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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