I am with you always

I am with you always

By Sr. Vivian Ameh

Acts 3:1-10, Lk. 24:13-35. The Emmaus story is a living parable for Christian discipleship. It suggests that if we travel life’s journey in company with others, sharing our faith and doubts with them, Christ will be walking beside us, opening our minds to his saving truth. Just as Jesus gave understanding to the two on the road to Emmaus, so He does for all who take time to listen to Him. His promise in today's Gospel remains, “I am with you, always.” In those early years they had many proofs of His powerful presence, as seen by various miracle stories in the Acts of the Apostles. Today’s first reading dramatises Peter’s healing powers once He called on Jesus’ name. Not only is the crippled man cured, he jumps up and enters the Temple with them, leaping and praising God. The people’s amazement gives Peter a chance to explain to them the source of his healing gift: he has it from the risen Christ, now even more effective than he was during his mortal life.

Spiritually, we are all on an Emmaus journey, a pilgrimage of faith. We may be perplexed by some of the things that happen to us, maybe the loss of a job, a career failure, even the collapse of a relationship or being let down by friends. We are rightly troubled by viruses spreading in our world, by the injustices in society, climate change and the ongoing destruction of the environment. When so much of the outlook seems gloomy we may feel as helpless and downcast as those two disciples on the road. Like them, we need the light that Christ offers. When we cannot make sense of things we need to lean on Him for support. We need to search the Scriptures together and enjoy His company in the breaking of bread and then we can go out and share His good news with others. The two disciples were leaving Jerusalem because it had such painful memories for them. It was just outside the city walls that the one they loved and trusted, whose message gave such hope and meaning, had died. Jerusalem had killed not only Jesus but the hopes of His friends and cast a shadow over them.

May we continue to experience the presence of the Risen Lord with always! Amen!! Have a glorious day!!!

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