Building on Grace

Building on Grace

By Sr. Vivian Ameh

Acts 4:1-12, Jn 21:1-14. Today's first reading continues the story of what happened to Peter and John after they healed the lame man by the power of the Name of Jesus. After their arrest, they were made to answer the religious leaders about the healing of the lame man. What upset the Sadducees was their proclamation of death and resurrection of Christ. Since the Sadducees did not believe in life after death, it was hard for them to think of eternal life. After a night in jail, Peter and John were brought before the Jewish religious leaders. They were forced to ascribe the authority to heal and preach to Jewish religious leaders. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter proclaimed the Name of Jesus, which he bears and empowered him to heal. Peter goes on to quote Psalm 118 which forms today's Responsorial Psalm, where God is praised for His mercy which endures forever. Part of the plan of the eternally merciful God is that God will take what mortals have rejected and turn the 'Rejected One' into the cornerstone of the 'House of God.' The disciples were also rejected and persecuted, which made them to attempt going back to where they started (Galilee), to continue their work as fishermen. However, their lives had been changed by their contact with Jesus and when they met Him by the lake-shore and recognised Him, they hauled in the net at His advice and took His guidance for their future. Peter’s special trait as an impulsive, generous leader spurred Jesus to make him shepherd of the whole Church. He may have three times denied Christ in the Passion narrative, but his heart is loyal and his personal experience of weakness made him the more suited to lead a Church of sinners, on the way towards sainthood. This is to teach us that the aspects of our past which we may tend to dismiss as trivial, can be turned by God into pillars of great future. In the same way, just as the disciples attempted to return to 'business as usual', we may be tempted to give up trying in virtuous and dedicated life after Lenten. Let us not come back to those vices we were able to overcome through mortification. We need not be ashamed of our past, nor feel crippled by any part of it. If we discover the grace of God in our lives, we are challenged to pass on the reassuring message to others, that “the stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.” May the Lord let the light of His face shine upon us, free us from sin and grant us His peace! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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