The Feast of St Mark, Evangelist

The Feast of St Mark, Evangelist

By Sr. Vivian Ameh

1 Pet. 5:5-14, Mk 16:15-20. Today we celebrate the great Feast of one of the Four Evangelists, that is, Mark the Evangelist, who was one of the earliest disciples of the Lord. According to Church traditions, Mark was one of the companions of the Apostles and he interacted closely with the Apostles, continuing the works that the Lord had entrusted to His disciples and followers. The mother of Mark was one of the first women who ministered to Jesus and the Apostles. He was a cousin of Barnabas, missionary companion of Paul who initiated the task of spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles. Mark went with Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, but on arriving in Cyprus he was unable to carry on further, for at that point he left them and went back to Jerusalem. Mark's message is the living mirror of Peter's preaching, that accounts for why Peter refers to him as "my son Mark" (1 Pet 5:13). Mark transmit faithfully Peter's message about the risen Christ and he is identified with one of the seventy disciples that the Lord Jesus had sent to be His missionaries among the people of God. As such, Mark was one of the witnesses of the many events surrounding the life and ministry of the Lord.

In today's first reading, Peter writes to a community that is facing persecution and trials. In his words, “Clothe yourself with humility,” he reminds his readers that if they are humble in their dealings with others, God will show them kindness and lift them up, even in the midst of their tough times. Following 'the Way' often includes being tempted by the devil. The devil is prowling around like a fierce animal looking for prey.  If we remain faithful to God, God will be faithful to us by restoring us, strengthening us, and edifying us even as we suffer difficulties. Today's Gospel presents us with the final commissioning of the followers of Christ. He sends them to proclaim the goodnews throughout the whole world amidst the difficulties of life. They will all go forth and spread the words of truth to everyone they encounter and they will perform signs and wonders in His Name. They will have to endure sufferings, trials and challenges for His sake and they will be persecuted, but only to be triumphant with God at the end. As Christians, we are called to commit ourselves to proclaim the Risen Lord in our actions, words and dealings throughout life. We are presented with the truth and the teachings of Christ handed down to us from the Apostles. Let the flame of faith be kept brightly burning in our challenging moments. In spite of our weaknesses we can trust in God like Mark did.

May the Lord strengthen us in faith and love, so that, nothing may ever separate us from the love of God! Amen!! Good morning and have a fruitful week!!!

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