The Memorial of St Catherine of Siena

The Memorial of St Catherine of Siena

By Sr. Vivian Ameh

Acts 5:34-42, Jn 6:1-15. Today's first reading presents an interesting episode of how the Apostles were sent out from the assembly of the Jewish religious leaders. A noted rabbi, Gamaliel, spoke up about how to deal with the Apostles gently so that they may not be against God, giving the evidence based on the past several false prophets. Those who claimed to be the Messiah, failed in their efforts as they proved to be not more than men who were misguided, selfish and wicked, in their desire for worldly power and glory. Their works and followers quickly dissipated and disappeared after their failure. Hence, Gamaliel stated that if Jesus' movement was truly genuine and the teachings authentic, the Sanhedrin would soon find themselves fighting God. With this, the Sanhedrin as represented by Gamaliel acknowledged that the truth came from God alone. Thus, the leaders decided to have the Apostles whipped and sent away from the Sanhedrin. This made the Apostles to rejoice that they were found worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus.

To share in the eternal banquet, we must share in the suffering of Christ like the Apostles. In the "Bread of Life Discourse" of today's Gospel, the crowd shared quality time with the Lord and were fed with five loaves of bread and two fish. The Lord showed pity and love for all the people who were gathered there for days, following Him and listening to His teachings and had become hungry because there was no place nearby for them to buy any food. St Catherine of Siena whose memorial we celebrate also listened to the Lord and received a crown of glory. Catherine was truly a dedicated servant of God, whose commitment to God and her holiness in life should be a source of inspiration for us as Christians. She spent a lot of time and effort in restoring purity and holiness, sanctity to the Church, its various organisations and the religious orders and groups, especially against the creeping corruptions caused by the influences of worldly temptations. Her great dedication and piety inspired many to follow in her examples.

May the Lord open our eyes to see the needs of others and warm our hearts that we may offer them our love! Amen!! Good morning and Peace be with you!!!

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