

Grace to Glory

The season of lent invites us on a journey from sin to grace and on to glory. On the first Sunday of Lent we learnt from the Master how to defeat Satan in his temptations to worldliness, pride and idolatry. On the second Sunday, we climbed to the top of Tabor to have a sneak peek at what we shall look like if we overcome sin and die to ourselves daily for the sake of Christ. On the third Sunday, we are given a drink from the wellspring of eternal life as Jesus opens the mind of the Samaritan woman. We are given new sight on the fourth Sunday when Jesus opens the eyes and mind of the man born blind, causing him to fall on his knees to worship Jesus. On this fifth Sunday we are drawn still closer to glory as we see Lazarus rise from the dead. Jesus declares that He is the resurrection and the life and whoever believes will see the glory of God.

The Poison of Sin

The Prophet Ezekiel uses the analogy of death and rising from the graze to describe the return of the Jews to their homeland, after being exiled for over two hundred years because of their idolatry and unfaithfulness to God. St Paul explains that spiritual slavery which we fall into because of our sins is even more dangerous. The symptom of this spiritual slavery is our delight in unspiritual things and an abnegation of God and holiness of life. Jesus shows us that he is the only true remedy for both physical and spiritual death. Everyone who comes to Christ receives the fullness of life. Lazarus who had been dead for four days was suddenly brought to life by the command of Christ.

Fullness of Life

Some say that the power of life and death are in the tongue. The fullest realization of this statement is in the words of Christ. Christ is able to speak life to every dead situation, no matter how hopeless. Does it look like your spiritual life is dead, God is able to speak life to it. Is your marriage dying or lifeless, Christ speaks life to it today. Are you having issues with your children, Jesus is giving the command of life to them. Are you unemployed or going through a rough patch in your business because of the recession, God is able to raise it to life. God wants to raise every dead aspect of your life, He wants to heal you and make you a sign of his presence and power in the world. Will you be faithful to him and let Him have his way with you?



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