
We witness a general truth concerning relations between Christ and every man and women: it is rarely a matter of ambivalence. People come to him, and they leave him in deepest joy and gratitude, like the woman caught in adultery (John 7) or the blind man at the Siloah pond (John 9). Or they leave him in anger or sadness, like the many Pharisees and Scribes, or the rich man who was told to sell everything and follow Jesus (Mark 10). To be around Jesus is to leave the neutral zone behind. Why? Because being close to Christ is to approach revealed love in its essence. Our world consists of forces that are being constantly confronted; good or evil, love or hate, compassion or selfishness, humility or pride… When we search God in our lives, these forces are not being left behind. They are being confronted, just as Christ himself confronts these forces in his own life.

Christians have since the earliest days come together to worship and pray. In the assembly that in time becomes what we know as the Church, we find ourselves in the place where God’s love is revealed in its most intense form; through worship, songs and praise in the fellowship of believers, in listening to and receiving the Word of God, and in the Eucharist where Christ’s sacrifice is made present and given us. We are being exposed to the source of love, the source that is capable of giving us what we truly long for. And we are exposed to ourselves in the light of this source. We are called to see ourselves as we are. For good and bad.

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